Jakob Friedrich Kleinknecht (1722-1794) was vice kapellmeister and court composer, and later a kapellmeister, then musical director. He wrote instrumental concertos and chamber music works in which the flute and violin played a privileged role. This sonata is printed for the first time in the form presented here. The original used for this edition is an old manuscript conserved by the National Library of Bavaria. The author of the manuscript is unknown: it is an arrangement of no. 2 OEuvre III, which is a collection of 6 flute trios (2 flutes, bass) published by Bérault (1767) under the name of “Mr. Kleinknecht”. In the harpsichord accompaniment, the note of flute II is assigned to the right hand, and the bass part to the left.
Author: Jakob Kleinknecht
SKU: FSH-ZM32390