Subtitled “Fantastic Variations on a Theme of Knightly Character,” Don Quixote by Richard Strauss (1864-1949) is based on Cervantes’s saga of the adventures of the Don and is one of the major cello works in the repertoire. This tone poem premiered on March 8th, 1898 in Cologne with Friedrich Gr�tzmacher as cello soloist and Franz W�llner conducting the St�dtisches Orchester. This edition by Gregory Vaught was revised in 2010. Instrumentation: 2+Picc.2+EH.2+BCl(2dEb).3+CBsn: Timp.Perc(2): Hp; Str (9-8-7-6-5 in set): Solo Cello.
Instrument: Chamber Orchestra
Medium: Full Score
SKU: 36-A212101