Fourteen original, imaginative studies for solo viola, specially written with the timbre and register of the instrument in mind and designed to lead on from elementary studies for younger players to those of Mazas and Kreutzer. Each piece concentrates on one or two aspects of technique, and the whole set covers a wide range of left and right hand skills, including spicatto bowing, string-crossing, moto perpetuo, cantible, and easy double stops. Teachers and students will find this invaluable, yet light hearted, collection both enjoyable and stimulating. Titles: Carriage Parade * Dormez-vous? * In Old Vienna * Looping The Loop * Prelude * Reflection * Ride Like The Wind! * Romance * Sarabande With Variations * Sequenza * Swirling Arabesques * The Bees’ Knees! * The Mandolin Player * Village Bagpipes
Instrument: Viola
Medium: Book
SKU: 12-0571514197