“Antiphon for the Angels” was written in response to a commission from VOCES8 and Rachel Podger for their new concert programme, ‘A Guardian Angel’. The work merges texts by Hildegard von Bingen (in Latin and English translation) and St Ambrose – the latter’s prayer, ‘Behold the radiant sun departs’.
“…a mystical reflection for singers and violin on the terrible glories of heavenly light, with a thought for the fallen angels for whom it was all too much: Lucifer fell and the violin drew the vocal parts back to the pulsing, ecstatic ‘Spirited light’ section. Park’s own style feels simultaneously ancient and contemporary, with a cold, open harmonic language and a violin part that paid homage to the baroque… a perfect ending.” -Bachtrack
Voicing: SSAATTBB and Violin
Series: Choral
Medium: Octavo
SKU: HL00578117