This series of Corales is about textures and resonances, colour, time and space. Imagine the guitar as a small cathedral, and the ambit of its sounds such as its harmonics as “orchestral colours” and extensions to the range of the pitch of the guitar. Here is a sort of an essay or excursion using the beautiful sounds and spatial possibilities of this wonderful instrument expressed through a “traditional” way of playing, but without the guitar in mind. I use the word “Coral“ freely, ambiguously and intentionally. It can be as in Spanish: Coral, or Choral, … then it can refer to a contrapuntal texture or to sea coral, or even to both. Haiku refers ancient Japanese legends suggesting a relationship between islands and coral. However, the resonances in this music, also create a complex texture of harmonics … then a single line will flow in a sea of sound-space as happens in La piel del tiempo, as well as illusions to games and happiness.
Author: Carle Costa
Instrument: Guitar